Business & Estate Valuation Services Livonia, MI
What is my business worth? It is a question that most business owners ask themselves. A business valuation can help answer that question. There are many factors that contribute to the perceived value of a business including cash flow, projections and industry.
Business valuations are based on information, judgment and experience and we are well qualified to provide these services. Our professionals have been accredited by the National Association of Certified Valuations Analysts and have been awarded the C.V.A. credential.
Our professionals have provided valuation services for industries including wholesale beverage distributions, medical and dental offices, plumbing services, professional service firms, family limited partnerships, manufacturing, retail and service small businesses.
We provide valuation services for the following purposes:
- Estate valuations and tax returns
- Gift tax returns
- Business succession planning
- Buy/Sell agreements
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Marital Dissolutions
- Minority/ Lack of marketability discounts
- 409A compliance
- Loss of income calculations
- Child support calculations